
"Le Cirque de St Même" walk


Cascade du Cirque de St Même
G. Laget

It may be a short walk, but it's a good one! It's a lovely climb through the forest that awaits you, with the path winding through the trees and a lookout point giving you a glimpse of the Pisse du Guiers, the last of the waterfalls. After a good half-hour climb, it's a steep, rocky descent to the majestic Grande Cascade and its vertical cliffs. The view from the wooden footbridge is still splendid. On the way down, be careful, the tree roots are trying to trip you up! More water? A short round trip reveals the more discreet Cascade Isolée. Then it's back to the plain of the Cirque for a well-deserved rest to the sound of the river.

Throughout the hike, you should take care as the paths are wet and steep and sometimes on the edge of a cliff.
The forests are private, so keep to the marked paths.
PLEASE NOTE: Bivouacs and fires are FORBIDDEN in the Cirque de St Même.

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

1/ From the car park (for which a charge is made in high season), follow the closed road along the right bank of the Guiers Vif. Initially tarmacked, the path then becomes more varied. 2/ At the next signpost, turn left onto the path that climbs through the forest. 3/ Halfway up, there is a lookout point where you can see the first waterfall. Continue up the winding path to the level and take the path on the right that leads back down to the Grande Cascade (warning: do not take the path on the left, it is dangerous and unmarked). 4/ Begin the descent over the wooden bridge to the left bank. Continue downhill through the forest. At the next signpost, turn right to discover the isolated waterfall. Retrace your steps and turn right to continue downhill until you reach the meadow. Throughout the hike, you should take care as the paths are wet and steep and sometimes on the edge of a cliff. The forests we cross are private, so keep to the marked paths. PLEASE NOTE: Bivouacs and fires are FORBIDDEN in the Cirque de St Même.


From 01/05 to 31/10.

Subject to favorable weather.


Free of charge.

Contact et accès
Pont Drugey
73670 Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont
Savoie (73)
Informations complémentaires
  • Acceptés : Chiens acceptés sous réserve d'être tenus en laisse.
À propos de la randonnée
  • Type : Boucle
  • Dénivelé positif : 195 m
  • Dénivelé négatif : 195 m
  • Altitude Max. : 1100 m
  • Distance : 3 Km
  • Length : 1H30
  • Niveau de difficulté : Moderé
  • Balisage : oui
  • Balisage : Departure Signs are in place in the villages near the car parks and the places open to the public. To follow your itinerary, poles are in place at the junctions and identifiable by a sign with the name of the walk and the altitude. Between two poles, you will find marked sign made with painting all along the way, it indicates if you must follow the path or not. Pay also attention to small signs to guide you. We recommend to have the map Promenades et randonnées en Chartreuse" with you.

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"Le Cirque de St Même" walk
