Sioule Gorges
Puy-de-Dôme ()

The Gorges de la Sioule spread out from the Queuille dam (Puy-de-Dôme) to Ébreuil (in the Allier). This means that the area is very hilly. The magnificent, steep gorges are looked over by Château-Rocher and by the Château de Chouvigny. A series of turns illustrate the presence of rocks made from contrasting materials. The Gorges de la Sioule and the Gorges de Chouvigny are listed as ZNIEFFs (areas of importance with regard to ecology, flora and fauna) and the entire Sioule basin is a Natura 2000 zone. A pretty little road winds alongside the river, but in summer, canoes are another way of exploring the region. It is also a fishing paradise.
OuvertureAll year round.
TarifsFree access.
Contact et accès 63390 Châteauneuf-les-BainsPuy-de-Dôme (63)
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